The Origins of the Holy Church

The Holy Church originate from the southern-most country of the african continent from the cities of Johannesburg and Cape Town. Over a period of about 8 years they emigrated from the strife-torn country to the much more placid country of England, in the British Isles. At the time (late 1970s to early 1980s) the level of violence in SA was escalating, later a national state of emergency was declared and there seemed little hope for the country.

After careful planning and research, it was decided, on an entirely individual level, that the UK was the best destination. At the time, plans for the Church were nothing more than seeds in the minds of the two involved. Less fluke than predestination, both Church members settled in Bristol with their family.

For almost a decade the two guys lived within about 60 seconds of each other without ever realising the significance of it, and it was only later that they were brought together to serve the church. For several years, they attended separate educational institutions, each entirely unaware of the other's existence.

By degrees, the pair were drawn slowly together, first almost colliding through a mutual acquaintance, then finally meeting professionally for the first time in the basement studio of a later recording partner.

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